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Cross Training

Born in the USA, this workout method is rapidly growing worldwide. In Cross Training you will find exercises 'borrowed' from Track and Field, Gymnastics, Olympic Weight Lifting and many more. Our philosophy is to be ready for every challenge our human body and spirit may come across!

Who does it?
The variety of people who follows this workout routine is very wide: everyday people, amateur and professional athletes, even people in demanding professions, such as fire fighters and police officers. In a few words, it's for everyone!

Is it suitable for me or is it too hard?
The answer lies in one word: Scaling. Anyone who enters Cross Box will follow a series of introductory workouts that aim the gradual induction in Cross Training with proper technique, safety, lots of sweating and fun! The good thing with Cross Training is that every exercise can transform from easy to really tough, depending on the athlete's capabilities. However, our need are not different by kind, rather that by volume. A Pro Kick Boxer has the same needs with a 50 year old woman who suffers by low back pain. The key is in the volume of the workout. 

What does it has to offer?
Cross Training is a comprehensive training regime. Among its goals are the development of endurance, strength, agility, power, coordination, speed, balance and flexibility. Routine is the enemy. An Olympic Marathon runner has vast stamina but low strength, a body-builder on the other hand has a lot of strenght but very low stamina. In Cross Box we achieve to imrove all these components and surely the change you seek in your appearance!

I am a woman. Will my body bulk with Cross Training?

A woman's body has the exact need as a man's. Do not worry that your femininity will fade away. What will happen with your training in Cross Box is fat loss, symmetrical muscular development and whole body toning. Thus, your body will gradually become stronger, better-shaped and -above all- healthier!

What to wear:

Clothes that allow our body to move easily. A T-Shirt and a pair of shorts or training trousers are a safe choice. Many women prefer tights as well. Finally, a clean pair of training shoes that you will only wear in Cross Box!

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